Brands like Coca-Cola and Pepsi have released their 'less and zero sugar' products in favor of those who want to cut on their daily calorie intake in order to avoid diabetes. Various fruit juice manufacturing companies have also released a much healthier and less sugar options to the market. However, a study released a couple of days ago revealed that although the amount of sugar present in these sweet drinks has been reduced, calories they remove is not as big as the consumers may think.

A team of researchers from the United Kingdom led by Graham MacGregor, a professor of cardiovascular medicine and chairman of the Action of Sugar campaign group, has conducted a study in order to figure out whether the reduced sugar in sweet drinks can cut calories and do positive effects on a person's body. The group studied various data in order to correctly calculate the level of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) consumption and its effects on the population in the U.K. The researchers figured out that if the reducing of sugar in sweet drink continues after the span of five years, the average calorie intake per day would be reduced to 38.4 percent. This could lead to a 1.2 kg weight loss among adults.

The researchers also pointed out that gradual reduction of calories over the course of five years without replacing it with artificial sweeteners can make 500,000 adults become less obese. It will also prevent an approximately 274,000 and 309,000 obesity-related Type 2 diabetes cases that will be theoretically diagnosed within the next two decades. According to Professor MacGregor, their research showed that by gradually reducing that reduced sugar in sweet drinks can lessen the number of the people that are obese, and it can help them prevent getting obesity-related illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes.