Nabil Ansari

Money Can Buy Happiness, New Study Finds

For years people thought that happiness is hidden in pursuing your passion, which is not wrong at all. But a recent study shows that happiness actually has something to do with income. It shows that more income results in a happy, and more satisfying life.

Top 3 Laptops Deals You Can't Pass Up

We all wait for those deals to go live so that we can purchase our next gadget. Heck, some of us even wait for years so that the price of houses would go down and then to purchase. So, here are the top 3 laptop deals that you just can't afford to miss.

Is the New 'Hello Barbie' Spying on Your Children?

Those Disney movies made us wish that we could talk with those Barbie toys just because they had such a cool character in the movie. And finally, now they can gossip with you. Go ahead to know more.

Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals, New Study Finds

For years people (including psychologists) thought that politically conservative people are happier than the liberal counterparts. A recent study proves them wrong. In fact, there really is no happiness gap. Read on to know how this was found.
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