
Quantum Tech One Step Closer With New Single Photon Switch

Single photon switches, which can turn physical processes on or off by using only a single packet of light, have far-reaching implications for quantum photonic technologies - and a new breakthrough makes it one step closer to realization.

Too Small, Too Cool: NIST Scientists Miniaturize Laser Cooling

Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have managed to create a smaller version of the optical components that can cool atoms down close to absolute zero - a few thousandths of a degree from 0 Kelvins.

What Is It? The Sound of a Single Atom

Every nanosecond of every day, for millennia and eons, the atom has been hard at work construct every thing in the universe, from the air we breathe to the stars. But it hasn’t been a lack-luster job, as it seems, because apparently the atoms are still singing. Ever imagine what an atom were to sound like if we could hear it moving around? Well it turns out that some researchers have done just that, and they’re saying it sounds like a resounding D-note, 20 octaves above the highest note on a piano.
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