
Google’s Magic Pill Will Search Out Cancer—Or Is It the Nanoparticles?

Medicine & Technology In a day and age where nearly every problem is solvable with the help of the trusty internet and fast-powered search engines, why wouldn’t we expect some help in the health department, much more clinical than what we can find on WebMD? It’s a sector many companies have not been able to explore, but with the support and funding of the world’s largest search engine, researchers at Google are aiming to diagnose cancers, strokes and even a heart attack through tiny technology you can track on a wristwatch.

New Microscope Shows Cells Like Never Before [Video]

Scientist Eric Betzig just won't quit. Weeks after being awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for developing new techniques for enhancing microscopic viewing technology, he has apparently moved on to another breakthrough of equal or greater significance.

How A Parasite Became a Power House—The Tale of Mitochondria

Through the use of simple components, sugar, oxygen and transfer molecules, the mitochondria are able to create and store energy through the simple movement of electrons from one bond to another. And in spite of conflicting theories describing their possible origins, a new study at the University of Virginia is proving that the energy creators weren’t always self-sustaining components.
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