Tags: Meteorite

Rare Double Meteor Shower of Delta Aquariids, Alpha Capricornids To Peak Simultaneously in the Night Sky; Here's How To Watch Them

Mars Seismic Data Reveals 280-360 Meteorite Impacts Annually, Study Shows

Fukang Meteorite: What Is So Special About This Stony-Iron Pallasite?
Martian Meteorites Collected on Earth After a Space Rock Smashed Mars 11 Million Years Ago [Study]
Why Giant Chinguetti Meteorite Remains Missing Since 1916?
What Happened to the World's Largest Meteorite? The Quest for the Elusive Iron Mountain Space Rock
Strange Meteorites That Fell Near Berlin, Looked Like Rocks on Earth Finally Identified

Moon's Ancient Crust Revealed to Be Rich in Water in New Analysis of Lunar Meteorite, Challenging Previous 'Bone-Dry' Beliefs

Dinosaur Extinction: New Study Challenges Meteorite Impact as Sole Cause, Points to Volcanic-Induced Climate Change

Man Stores Rock Believed To Be Gold, Finds Out Years Later That It's Actually More Valuable
Mysterious Libyan Desert Glass Origins Traced From Meteorite Impact on Earth's Surface

Strange Doorstopper Rock Was Actually Worth $75,000; Man Used It for Decade Without Knowing Its Real Worth

Earth’s Oldest Impact Craters Are Vanishing; What Happened to These Circular Depressions?
Bronze Age Weapon Arrowhead Excavated in Switzerland Made From Iron Meteorites
French Woman Hit by a Meteorite in the Ribs While Having Coffee on a Terrace

New Kind of Meteorite Believed From Earth That Went to Space Then Came Back Under Investigation
Metallic-Looking Rock That Smashed Through the Roof in New Jersey Confirmed To Be a 4.6 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite
Metallic Object Believed To Be Meteorite Smashed Into a House in New Jersey

Meteor, Alien, or Satellite? Confusion Surfaces as Bright Light Flashes Over Ukrainian Skies

Galileo Project: Meteorite That Landed in the Pacific Ocean Could Harbor Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life, Physicist Claims
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

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Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists