
Are You Only As Risky As Your Friends?

Scientists have found that neurological evidence in the form of brain scans that show birds of a feather do flock together. The team says that neural and social signals in the mind align in terms of how we perceive both safety and risk. This means that trends happen for a reason, and now scientists have a better understanding of why-no matter how awful, embarrassing, or just plain weird the trend is.

#DressGate Continues-What Researchers Are Saying About the Social Media Phenom

We know, you thought the whole The Dress thing was over-and you were glad. But rather than being a simple Internet meme on the scale of dancing babies and funny cats, The Dress is helping neuroscientists understand the way that the human brain perceives and thinks. Three research papers discussion cognition and perception in light of The Dress have just been published in Current Biology.

How Nerve Damage And "Gluten Free" Collide—Problems With Celiac Disease

Swedish researchers headed by Jonas Ludvigsson, MD, PhD, of Stockholm's Karolinska Institute, revealed that patients with celiac disease were 2.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with neuropathy. The study, published this week in the journal JAMA Neurology, was conducted among a large group of patients with celiac disease which had been confirmed by biopsy.
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