New York

Science Times - How Can Smoke From West Coast Fires Cause Red Sunsets in New York?

How Can Smoke From West Coast Fires Cause Red Sunsets in New York?

If you are one of the millions of people in the Midwest and Eastern U.S. who turned your gaze toward the sky recently, you may have noticed the Sun shining through an odd, milky haze. This widespread opaque veil was caused not by clouds, but rather by smoke from wildfires in the Western U.S.
Statue of Liberty

NY’s Coronavirus-related hospital and ICU admissions Now Lower Than Ever; Antibody tests to be Available Next Week: Is The Nightmare Finally Over?

New York faces a new horizon as coronavirus-related ICU and hospital admissions lessen. The state's death rate pace is also starting to slow down. Governor Cuomo praises New York for 'flattening the curve'. The next phase New York now tackles is being able to mass-produce antibody testing kits to eventually yet gradually get people back to work. Read on to find out more.

Did NYC Mayor Just Ban Glass Skyscrapers?

During a press conference held on Earth Day, Bill DeBlasio, the mayor of New York, seemed to have threatened to ban glass skyscrapers, which was later clarified in his speech.
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