Some problems bring people to their knees, i.e. toothache. Some teeth can ache as bad as wisdom teeth. Wisdom tooth pain is not like others: it is associated with swelling inside the mouth, constant throbbing and earaches. You will also have some swelling in throat and cheeks.

What is a wisdom tooth?

The other name for wisdom teeth is third molars. It is at the back of the mouth that wisdom teeth are located; they are found in each corner. They are a normal part of the dental development of an individual. Located behind the second molar, or the 12-year-molar, for chewing purposes, wisdom teeth are known for providing additional surfaces. Similar to other teeth, wisdom teeth serve as attachments that hold false teeth. If they are not kept clean, they can develop dental diseases, for instance gum and cavity diseases.

(Photo : How to Relieve Wisdom Tooth Pain)

Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain

For people who can accommodate these teeth, with other molars, they grow in normally. When they erupt through gum tissue, they are known for causing little or no discomfort. Nevertheless, for some individuals, their growth is never a fun since it makes them experience acute pain.

Through the gums, several wisdom teeth are known for not growing in a straight path. Some push against the second molars' roots and others sideways, as they grow in the jaw. Towards the tongue or the face, some are entangles and never grow at all into the mouth. Such trapped wisdom teeth are known as 'impacted' since they are not in a position of naturally growing through the gums and bone. The abnormal growth patterns, in jaw, cause wisdom tooth pain.

Wisdom Teeth Pain Symptoms

Always, wisdom teeth are known for not causing pain. Under the gums and bone, wisdom teeth can stay without casing troubles. Nevertheless, if you experience any of the following symptoms, there is a need for visiting your dentist to confirm if the wisdom teeth can be the cause of:

  • Bleeding from the back of the mouth
  • Jaw or TMJ pain
  • Sour taste or bad breath
  • Tumor
  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Cysts

Relieving Wisdom Tooth Pain

If you have some pain around your mouth's back and perceiving that it can be because of the emerging wisdom teeth or possible infections, you are likely thinking of booking an appointment with your dentist. Nevertheless, you need not to make a quick decision to see your doctor, but there is a need for holding off and seeing if the issue can resolves itself, in addition to the pain going away. If the pain is dull, as well as throbbing, and persistent, you might consider taking the over-the-counter pain relievers.

This can assist in relieving pain and letting you get on with your activity. Nevertheless, the take of pain relief long term cannot be a long term solution, and if the wisdom tooth pain goes for more than seven days, there is a need for making an appointment with your personal doctor; the doctor will be in a position of telling you what is going on. Another thing that you can consider doing to relieve the pain is to consider regularly rinsing your mouth out using warm and salty water: this helps, in your mouth, to kill bacteria that can cause infections. Also, this helps when it comes to get rid of stuck food particles between your teeth.

Another possible way of relieving wisdom tooth pain yourself is by using pieces of ice, especially if you are experiencing the pain and you cannot determine its causes. It is also important to note that some pains are associated with the dental development's final stage. The pieces of ice can be regularly applied to gums and teeth to assist in numbing the area, in addition to reducing any swelling.

Professional Assistance for Wisdom Tooth Pain

If the above mentioned considerations do not work for you and you are still experiencing the wisdom tooth pain, you need to book an appointment with your dentist. Carefully, the dentist will examine the area; in addition to taking X-ray to check properly check your wisdom teeth. An extraction can be recommended by your dentist if the wisdom teeth are coming in at a certain angle and when they are not aligned with other teeth.

Nevertheless, if everything seems fine, the dentist will just give you some painkillers to assist you in dealing with the pain. The dentist can also do a special mouthwash to kill bacteria, as well as ensuring that infections do not take hold during development of wisdom teeth. Like any other pain, wisdom tooth pain relief ought to be taken seriously. You need to be mindful of your overall health and it is important to ensure that your pain is not left untreated, especially if it persists.