In 2020 almost everyone uses social media to stay in contact, build relationships, and combat loneliness - but does social media have a positive or negative impact on our lives? 

How Often Do We Use Social Media?

In 2020 you would struggle to find a single person who doesn't enjoy a single social media platform. Studies in 2020 show that over 72% of Americans use social media daily, whether it's; 

  • Facebook 

  • Instagram 

  • Twitter

  • Pinterest 


  • Snapchat 

  • Telegram 

  • Reddit 

Everyone is staying in contact online - and thanks to the pandemic, even grandparents are building their own social media pages to stay in touch. More people than ever have been turning to social media to stay in touch across the planet. But how much time do we spend on social media? 

With 3.5 billion worldwide users, social media is a global pastime that entertains almost half of the world's entire population and has no signs of slowing down. Worldwide in 2019 - before the pandemic hit - the average daily social media user enjoyed 144 minutes per day on social media. 

In the USA, social media users spend on average 2 hours and 3 minutes per day on social media - however, since the start of the 2020 COVID pandemic, social media usage has risen by 10% globally. 

Social Media and Relationships 

Social media has proven positive for relationships - particularly for people who struggle with face to face interaction. Social media also helps to open our circle. For example, people who work night shifts might interact with their colleagues and maybe the cashier at the gas station every day without social media. 

However, it has its downsides too. People rarely post their struggles on social media, and seeing forever "perfect" romances can encourage some individuals to have unrealistic expectations of what a "real relationship" is. Some people can have a perfectly good relationship with their partner but find problems because their relationship doesn't match up to the influencer who flew their girlfriend to Paris in a private jet for their anniversary. 

If you're using social media and in a relationship, while it is fun to share the occasional "date night selfie," it is also important to remember not to compare it with someone else's. Just because your date night selfie was a take-out and Netflix doesn't mean your relationship is worth any more or less than anyone else's. 

Can Social Media Help People to Cope with Loneliness 

Whether it's positive or negative for the majority, people who suffer from loneliness often benefit from social media. For people who work anti-social hours or have jobs with anti-social hours and particularly during the pandemic - social media is the only way to combat loneliness, and it is very successful. 

Social media allows people to stay in contact when it's not possible in real life. Sometimes a phone call is impossible due to work ours, someone living in a different time zone, or kids and partners always in the picture. However, through social media, we can remain "connected" with our loved ones without having actually to speak to them in person - helping lonely 

Staying Healthy on Social Media 

As much as social media can help you feel connected with a whole world of people online - the pressures of social media, for a lot of people, can be too much. Unfortunately, social media sites are rife with narcissistic "influencers" living seemingly "perfect" lives - but for most people, the reality is very different. 

Keeping up with social media can be difficult and make you feel unnecessary stress and pressure to be someone you're not. If you're on social media and find yourself going out of your way to posting stories, snaps, and posts - take a step back and evaluate how much time you spend on social media sites. 

When using social media, it is important to remember not everyone - and the majority - don't post a realistic portrayal of their "real lives." And further still, as much as "perfect lives" are staged - sometimes so is hair, makeup, and even body shape, it is altered to make influencers and celebs look perfect on social media - something far from realistic in real life. specialists say that nowadays, social media has a huge impact on people and their lives. The problem with following unrealistic lifestyles and personalities on social media is that we're encouraged to measure ourselves up to an unrealistic or impossible ideal- consciously or unconsciously.

When used correctly, social media can be a great tool to help you stay connected, build friendships and relationships, and even help find new opportunities. However - like with most things - too much of it can be dangerous for you and your mental health. Most modern smartphones allow you to track, monitor, and restrict your time on social media, and if you feel it is getting too much, it can be a great way to ensure your time online is limited to a healthy amount.