On Tuesday, a sunspot known as AR2859 exploded in a spectacular display. The sun's activity is part of a multi-day outburst that may send a "coronal mass ejection" near Earth.

As pressure develops around sunspots, a combination of plasma and magnetic field called a coronal mass ejection (CME) is ejected.


Too Early to Predict If Solar Storm From Sun Will Reach Earth

As with any type of activity on the sun's surface, astronomers worldwide took note. According to UK experts, it is still too early to determine whether Tuesday's blast will reach Earth.

A CME from an explosion earlier this week, on the other hand, is expected to strike Earth on August 27. When a CME collides with the Earth, it can cause geomagnetic storms.

(Photo : NRAO/S. Dagnello)
Artist's conception of a violent flare erupting from the star Proxima Centauri.

UK experts also mentioned that only the CME heading for Earth is predicted to generate a G1 geomagnetic storm, the lowest gravity of a five-level indication.

Canada's Northern Lighthouse Project claimed that a CME in a G1 storm might cause modest power grid irregularities, satellite difficulties, and migratory animal disorientation.

Dawn is the most prevalent side effect of CME. Every solar storm bathes the Northern Hemisphere in brilliant light.

ALSO READ: Solar Storm Heading Towards Earth Likely to Hit Soon; How Does It Affect Someone's Health?

Yes, it's depressing, but a G1 geomagnetic storm is very regular, occurring more than 150 times per year. They are, nevertheless, stunning each and every time.

Anti-Solar Storms Sun Plan Could Tell Space Weather and Prevent Potential Global Blackouts

With that, University of Sydney researchers and United States space specialists created a new solar model to forecast space weather. NASA and other space organizations would have more time to prepare for powerful solar storms if their new technology proves to be effective.

In a statement, researchers said the sun's intrinsic magnetic field is directly responsible for space weather. Sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections produce streams of high-energy particles from the sun, resulting in solar storms.

This may result in geomagnetic storms. Scientists still haven't figured out what's causing these strange occurrences in space. They haven't figured out whether or not solar and geomagnetic storms are predicted.

Researchers featured the new sun model in a new study titled "Rotation Suppresses Giant-Scale Solar Convection."

According to the study lead author, he cooperated with several specialists from other universities. University of Colorado's Professor Keith Julien and Southwest Research Institute's Dr. Nicholas Feathrestone are among them.

They claimed that the new model could anticipate the sun's fast revolutions. After that, they might predict when major solar storms would occur and how likely they are to impact Earth. NASA and other independent space firms, on the other hand, have yet to utilize the model.

RELATED ARTICLE: Solar Storms Mystery Finally Solved: Simulation Model to Predict Space Weather, Geomagnetic Storms Developed

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