Citizens in North Wales saw what appears to be an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) hovering across their skies. The event alarmed but puzzled locals of Colwyn Bay, as the records show that the object's shape looked like a specific model of a popular luxury car.

According to eyewitnesses, the mysterious vessel appeared initially as a sphere converted with bright light. It moved across the skies in a "bouncing pattern," and in a clearer view, the UAP heavily resembled the shape of an Audi R8, they added.

Audi R8-Shaped UAP in Wales

(Photo: Matthew Norbury)
Audi R8-shaped UAP in skies of Colwyn Heights, Wales.

An Audi R8-shaped UAP appeared right in the skies of the British town of Colwyn Bay. According to reports, the anomaly passed through the horizons of the seaside community with a bouncing pattern. Because of the night's dark, the object's brightness helped the locals identify its shape, and it was indeed comparable to the said sports car.

The UAP flew across the Welsh skyline last weekend. From afar, the extraterrestrial object had a basic shape of a pill, similar to the accounts reported in the past few decades. But on a closer look, videos showed that it is quite close to the chassis of a sports car, specifically of an Audi R8.

According to Wales Online, a local garage owner Matthew Norbury reported the first confirmed sighting of the flying vessel. From their capture, the bright white object was seen flying in the night sky and did a quick turn of direction.

This sharp maneuver is improbable for most flight vehicles of our time, but if ever it was, people should have seen the exact form of aircraft that could do such a feat, including a government-issued fighter jet or the likes.

Norbury explained that it was the first time they saw a flight vehicle that looked like an Audi R8 flying across the town, reports Daily Star.

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Closest Guess: Fireball Meteor

The most baffling thing about the phenomenon is that it was not recorded by any observatories, space agencies, and even the real-time monitoring by over a hundred imaging systems from the UK Meteor Network.


Meteor sightings from the institution across the UK have been empty since May.

A forum called Astronomy Stack Exchange said that the meteorites from the same shower event appear to observers as they are coming from a single point in the atmosphere. But this is just a common belief, as many meteorites break apart during flight and cause them to change their trajectory at a rapid phase.

Supposed that the UAP was a fireball meteor, it would be one of the rarest classifications of the objects. According to the International Meteor Organization, Earth's atmosphere encounters thousands of fireball magnitudes almost daily, but only a few appear visually from ground-based observers.

Fireball meteors could occur in the atmospheric region above any place possible, including uninhabited regions, vast oceans, and even large cities during broad daylight.

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