What are stem cells?

Stem cells, also known as "master cells," are body cells from which "daughter cells" are generated from. The daughter cells are processed to become new cells or specialized cells that may function as heart cells, bone cells, blood cells, brain cells and other forms of cells needed for patients to recuperate from an injury or illness.

Stem cell treatment is a state-of-the-art regenerative medicine that aims to provide relief, repair, and regrowth to damaged or injured tissues. This type of treatment is minimally invasive, non-opioid, and non-surgical. Thus, it reduces the risks of complications and adverse reactions.

How does stem cell treatment work?

Stem cells are taken directly from one part of the patient's body and are processed in a centrifuge machine that produces concentrated stem cell substances. The concentrated substance is then injected into the patient's affected body part.

Stem cells are concentrated to specifically treat the injured or affected part of the human body. It works according to certain medical specifications. Some stem cells are processed to have a "specialized" function. These are cases when stem cells are used to specifically repair damaged body organs including the brain, heart, blood, muscle and soft and hard tissues of the body.

Stem cell treatment has the power to alter conventional medical procedures to more innovative and state-of-the-art practice. This treatment uses the regenerative power of stem cells to relieve patients from pain, injury, trauma, and disease.

The use of stem cells is a relatively new technology. It has shown promising potentials of providing a wide variety of treatment for diseases by generating specific stem cell concentrate. Thus, many medical authorities consider stem cells as the "future of modern medicine."

Stem cells contain natural growth factors that accelerate the body's healing response. It can also help manage pain caused by injuries sustained without the need for pain-killing medications.

The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine provides many advantages in pain management and other medical procedures. The benefits of stem cell treatments include effective pain reduction, minimal post-procedural recovery, increased body functionality, flexibility and mobility, prevention of nerve damage, and potential injury reversal.

Other benefits include reducing the need for long-term medication, lowering the risks of surgery and complications, non-administration of anesthesia, and improving collagen production in the body. Stem cell procedures also lower the risks of spreading diseases from one person to another since the stem cell is originally taken from the patient's own body.

Stem cell is taking the world of medicine to the next level! Indeed, it is the future of modern medicine!