Do you ever have the feeling that something is not quite right, but you aren't sure if it warrants a trip to the doctor's office? Physician visits can be expensive, time consuming, and nerve wrecking. 

While we don't recommend forgoing a doctor's professional advice, there are a variety of self-administered screening tests available for you to gain a better understanding about your health. Here are 5 DIY screening kits that you can use at home:

1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

We'd never recommend skipping a trip to your physician's office if you are experiencing concerning symptoms. But, you can gain some peace of mind by conducting your own STD test at home

The process is painless, and you can order kits online for maximum convenience. 

Some tests use saliva for almost immediate results, while others require consumers to mail a blood sample to an external lab. 

Either way, you can save a trip to the clinic by ruling out potential ailments with an at-home STD testing kit. 

2. Blood Sugar Levels

Even if you aren't diabetic, there are a ton of reasons why knowing your blood glucose levels is beneficial for your overall health. 

Using an at-home screening tool to measure your blood sugar can help you to identify potential issues quickly, and it will improve your response time in the event of a blood sugar-related illness. 

Blood sugar impacts your body's ability to generate and use energy. If your pancreas isn't functioning properly, the results could be deadly. Diabetes can lead to severe auxiliary health issues, such as:

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Nerve Damage

  • Blindness

  • Hearing Impairment

  • Alzheimer's Disease

Reduce the risk and stay on top of your vitals by picking up a home testing kit from your local pharmacy. 

3. Pregnancy

Many women experience irregular hormone patterns and symptoms that mimic the side effects of pregnancy. At-home pregnancy tests are an affordable, easy way to eliminate false alarms. 

As with everything on this list, a DIY test is not a replacement for a licensed physician. However, many of the tests on the market today boast a 99.9% accuracy rate. 

Rather than worrying until you're able to get a doctor's appointment, taking an at-home pregnancy test can help you prepare for your results - whether it comes back positive or negative.

4. Urinary Tract Infections

Although common, UTIs are incredibly painful and can be incapacitating if they aren't caught in time. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to prolonged infection, infertility, or even death. 

Many people contract UTIs on a regular basis, and their susceptibility can be determined by a variety of factors. Even slight imbalances in your body's PH levels can cause an infection to grow. 

UTI symptoms are also similar to more severe ailments, such as interstitial cystitis. Performing a home test will allow you to narrow down your options before you're able to see a doctor. 

5. Blood Pressure

A person's blood pressure is a solid indicator for a wide range of different health risks, such as the body's susceptibility to heart disease and stroke. Keeping a monitor at home can help you find and assess potential problems before it's too late. 

At-home blood pressure monitors vary in price, but you can purchase some models for less than $20. The process is quick, non-invasive, and completely painless. 

If you have high blood pressure already, your health could take a turn at any time. Keeping a blood pressure monitor at home reduces your risk of developing life-threatening issues, and it can help you develop healthier habits over time. 

Your health is your most important asset, but it isn't always easy to see a doctor right away. If you need a quick fix to tide you over until your next appointment, buy an at-home testing kit to keep your nerves at bay.