Comic books are the stuff of fantasies and everyone at some point or two wished for super-powers to better than mortal men. Behind the seemingly fantastical stories of amazing feats and abilities, all these powers have a basis and science can make it come true.
Many of well-known comic book heroes are naturally powered, like mutants of marvels or DC's meta-humans. Another type of comic hero is those with an aptitude for technology, like Iron Man and Batman who share an affinity towards technological devices. Other heroes have mechanical parts like cyborgs, for example, amputees who regain mobility by using devices that allow a normal life too.
Strength multiplied
The development of exo-frames is tethered to the one wearing it. This exo-frame has servos and actuators that multiply normal strength. For now, Hulk level strength exo-frames do not exist, but some can carry quite am heavy load.
Power of flight
Anyone can be a flying superman with a portable jetpack, that will carry one person aloft. These jetpacks come with a directional nozzle to control flight, with throttle manage power output.
Electronic Invisibility
This means that the wearer is not detected because the electronic "silk" cloak will prevent light waves to keep stealthy. One problem with electronic invisibility is that it only works when still. Updating the cloak should make it unseen, even if mobile.
X-ray Vision
Be able to see in x-ray vision using VR glassed that will allow anyone to see through a solid car door. This device uses WiFi to see through layers that are in front. This system was developed at MIT to see behind walls, Dutch engineers are using light waves to peer inside the body too.
Can breathe like a fish
A newly discovered mineral can store oxygen for a long time. It can be used for diving equipment and supply air longer than conventional tanks.
Navigation using magnetic fields (for deaf and blind)
This is off the wall science when biohackers sense magnetic field with customized implants, that help navigate without hearing or sight. It is similar to bat sonar and useful to handicapped people. Other applications are sensing corners with visually assistive devices.
Sending thought is possible as brain-computer interface (BCI) tech allows thoughts to be sent via an electronic medium. Other feats were sending thought to connect subjects in different locations and move objects via machine connection.
Seeing in the dark
Chemicals found deep-sea fish gave better night vision and better eyesight when injected into human subjects. Another is bionic contact lenses that have a digital function, it connects to the internet too.
Ability to self-heal
Internal organs have an implant that electrically stimulates the organs if the individual is hurt or damaged. This allows a faster healing process and keeps fighting in tip-top condition for soldier or specialists who need it.
Running fast
Soldiers and specialists will be able to jet fast while staying close to the ground. This technology will make soldier marathon lap runners in most battle conditions.
Bullet resistance
Materials that are lightweight and can stop a bullet, will be flexible and cover the entire body too. No need to wear heavy armor and it can look like everyday clothing or a costume.
Climbing on walls
The device for climbing will use Van der Waals force to keep the individual sticking to any surface like a spider. Students at Stanford University plan to make something that can carry more weight.
Related Article: 12 superpowers we can have now