In the middle of the widespread of coronavirus (COVID-19), when and where every person in the world is doing everything to help alleviate the spreading of the infection, a woman was reported to guiltlessly steal a bottle, about one liter, of hand sanitizer at a café in Brisbane.
The theft provoked the businessman to create and display a strong message, anticipating that the suspect would read it and realize the impact of what she did.
The owner, Ian Handerson, the owner tried to recall a "particularly strange conversation with a woman at his business, The Total Picture Framing Café located in Brisbane.
Handerson also said, he spoke with the woman shortly before sitting on couch inside the coffee shop, opposite a table that had the bottled hand sanitizer on top of it.
The next he heard, he continued telling Yahoo! News, was an employee asking if he took or moved the battle since it was not in its original position anymore.
Provoked to Write the Message
Expressing his disappointment and disgust, Handerson said, he purchased the hand sanitizer because he wanted to work within the "framework of mindfulness."
He continued, what he could do for his customers and those who walk by his shop was his priority. And his person, he lamented, has pocketed the sanitizer. The businessman also described how they were able to confirm the woman as the thief.
The security cameras which the center management own, validated that it was indeed, the female customer he spoke to earlier, who undoubtedly took the bottled sanitizer for herself.
Taking action on this woman's shameless act, Handerson printed out a message that directed at the said female customer.
The businessman hoped she would see it and feel guilty about it, the next time she passed by.
In this message, the café owner called the woman "creep" who stole the bottle of sanitizer they made available for use of the customers.
In addition, the same message described the alleged thief, a dreadful self-centered person. He had the position erected on the coffee table.
Not Letting Stealing Pass
The woman may have thought she was able to escape the café her wrongdoing, but for Handerson, he would not stand by, not calling out people for their selfish and shameless act.
The message he posted, Handerson said, was intended not just for the woman who stole the sanitizer, but for every person who would regularly pass the café and read the sign.
The same message, he explained, would hopefully make a person guilty and concentrate a little bit on his decision to do such a theft.
The message though did not get all-positive reactions. Some stopped and laughed at what he posted but Anderson said, he's "anything but serious."
He added, he has not ruled out holding a competition to see who among the café's customers would be able to make the best one-line message about the stealing of the sanitizer.
Incidentally, public antics surrounding the much sought-after products such as toilet paper, non-perishable food, and hand sanitizer have been widespread amid an increase in panic-buying because of the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus.