Household items used everyday can be germ breeding sites if not given attention.
Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash
There is no better timing to do a general house cleaning other than when everyone is at home on quarantine. With the current COVID-19 situation, everyone is on their toes, trying to be as germ-free as possible. Many focus on significant matters, but the little things count too.
People should be mindful of the household items they use every day. They can potentially turn into germ breeding spots if not given enough attention. Find out how to properly clean kitchen towels, pillowcases, and the like.
Deyan Dimitrov, Laundryheap CEO, interests us in taking a look at his top cleaning tips. He divulged that people tend to forget about washing their tea towels and oven gloves.
Change Dish Towels Every Day
Typically, we eat three times a day. That's the same frequency we tend to do the dishes. Using dish towels three times a day will cause it to turn damp and possibly breeding harmful pathogens such as E-coli and salmonella.
Dimitrov suggests hanging them to dry after every use. If possible, hanging it under the sun would be better to eliminate bacteria and viruses further. After using it for the day, leave it in the laundry to wash and get a fresh one for the following day.
For washing heavy stains on your dish towel or your flour sack fabric, he suggests soaking the sheets in warm water, a tablespoon of baking soda, and a cup of white vinegar. Wash the towels thoroughly. Studies find that white vinegar isn't the most reliable disinfectant there is, but it still holds properties that kill some germs.
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Don't Forget About Your Oven Gloves
Every baker knows that it's fun to bake, but it isn't fun to clean the mess you made. Oven gloves are one of the things people neglect to clean after some time of use. Dimitrov recommends soaking them in warm water mixed with white vinegar to loosen grease and to remove stains.
Wash Pillows and Pillow Cases
It is essential to wash pillows and their cases at this time of the pandemic. Most importantly, since these come in contact with your face. Pillowcases can be washed as usual, but for added precaution, you can add one-half cup of white vinegar to the last rinse cycle.
He also recommends washing actual pillows and beddings, as these tend to go under washed. The best way would be to have them dry-cleaned often as they don't fit in standard washing machines.
Sprinkle Baking Soda on Your Rugs
Freshen up your rugs by sprinkling some baking soda on them.
Photo by Lida Sahafzadeh on Unsplash
If your rug isn't machine-safe, have them cleaned by a pick-up cleaning service instead. This takes the load off of your hands. But if you prefer to save a few bucks, grab the baking soda instead.
Sprinkle some on the entire rug. It would be better to do this outdoors. After 30 minutes, vacuum the whole carpet.
Spritz Some Vinegar Solution on Coats and Jackets
It is essential to change your clothes upon arriving at your home. Outside garments must never be worn inside, much more, to be used to lounge in the living or bedroom.
Coats and jackets should be washed according to the garment label. Dimitrov says you can freshen them up between washes with a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar.