We all know that breathing is a natural function of our body, but, as it turns out, there is a proper way of breathing. Even though our respiratory needs differ according to activity, we should try avoiding breathing using our mouth whenever we can.
A HealthDigest report indicates that according to Healthline, every individual "has two passages for air to travel their lungs." These passages are the nose and mouth.
While breathing, using the mouth is essential when nasal passages are congested,. However, the mouth is simply not designed to process air in a similar way that the nose does.
When we breathe through our nose, the air passing through is warmed before it reaches the lungs. Moisture, the said report specifies, is added, which lessens dryness in our body's bronchial tubes and lungs.
Not only that. It also helps the lung to maintain its elasticity by creating resistance in the airflow. The tiny hairs in our nose also help in filtering out airborne irritants and elements like pollens.
When we breathe through our nose, it also improves the ability of our body to absorb oxygen. That is due to the fact that the nose is producing nitric oxide, which boosts the blood vessels to dilate and promotes the ability of the body to transport oxygen throughout the body.

Disadvantage of Mouth Breathing
According to Cleveland Clinic, even though "humans have evolved to breathe most effectively through the nose," a lot of people have developed "the habit of breathing through their mouths."
Mouth breathing is linked to dry mouth, irritability, daytime sleepiness, and brain fog, the said Cleveland report indicates. It can also lead to health problems like gum disease, sleep disorders, and ear infections, among others.
A study that Acta Oto-Laryngologica published shows that breathing with mouth open may lessen the efficiency of our upper airway muscles, increasing the possibility of collapse.
It may take some effort to stay breathing correctly through the nose. However, the probable health benefits are profound.
Say you are doing a vigorous exercise like running; you can breathe through the combination of the two breathing styles to maximize your intake of oxygen while at the same time shielding your lungs.
Meanwhile, wellness or mind-body exercises such as Pilates and yoga can help us learn breath control and increase the capacity of our lungs.
Breathe in Through Nose, and Out Through Mouth
We humans are naturally designed to breathe through our noses from the time of our birth. It has been the way we have evolved, and there are several reasons nasal breathing has been a default to us.
Inhaling through our nose provides a lot of benefits to our body compared to breathing-in using our mouth.
During our infancy, we breathe in and out using our noses most of the time. This is associated with the way our throats are configured.
Therefore, we are able to breathe and suckle simultaneously without choking. Cleveland Clinic says it is a survival mechanism.
Lastly, our nose is designed to process the air that enters quite differently than the mouth can. These are deliberate and functional parts of the design of our body for us to stay safe and healthy.
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