Hypertension, today, is a manageable condition where doctors utilize various strategies to help people curb the effects and live healthier lifestyles. However, oftentimes, dietary measures like an increase in potassium intake, exercise, and reduction of salt intake aren't enough to control blood pressure within acceptable limits. Hence, patients rely on drugs available in the market.
Each strategy attempts to either reduce peripheral resistance in the arterial system of the body or reduce cardiac output. One strategy reduces blood flow resistance by relaxing muscles surrounding arterioles and arteries, allowing blood to freely move in the body.
From 60 years ago, fundamental discoveries have established that potassium and calcium levels in the muscles of blood vessels control the expansion and contraction of the muscles. On the other hand, scientists recently stumbled on a medical breakthrough showcasing zinc's key role in maintaining vascular tone.
Prevalence of Hypertension in the US

Blood pressure is a natural process in the body where the pressure of blood pushes against arterial walls and carries blood from your heart to different parts of the body via arteries. On the other hand, high blood pressure or hypertension is a condition that increases a person's risk of stroke and heart disease.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, high blood pressure typically has no visible symptoms. The only way to be certain is to get your blood pressure measured.
Roughly one out of two adults or 116 million American adults have hypertension. More than 24 million adults are prescribed lifestyle modifications to curb hypertension. More than 91 million adults rely on prescription medication to keep their blood pressure within acceptable limits.
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Zinc's Role in Controlling Hypertension
Dr. Scott Ayton, Ph.D., senior author of the study "Zinc drives vasorelaxation by acting in sensory nerves, endothelium, and smooth muscle," published in the journal Nature Communications, says that zinc is a vital metal ion in biology. Given the infamous capabilities of calcium and potassium in controlling blood pressure, it surprised researchers that zinc's role has been under-appreciated. Ayton adds that zinc has reverse effects on calcium when it comes to controlling blood flow and pressure.
Ashton is with the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Dr. Ashenafi H. Betrie of the same Institute and co-author of the study says it was a chance discovery that the team was initially investigating the impacts of zing-based drugs on brain functions in patients with Alzheimer's disease. The team then noticed an unexpected decrease in the rat models' blood pressure treated with the drugs.
MedicalNewsToday explains that hypertension occurs when smooth muscles in the artery and arteriole walls contract, narrowing vessels where blood passes through to be able to flow to various parts of the body.
Tightening of the muscles is caused by calcium. The metal ion is regulated by potassium in tissues. The quantity of calcium and potassium influences the surrounding cells -- the endothelial cells and sensory nerves. Researchers recently found that zinc affects sensory nerves, muscles, and endothelial cells together. This reduces the amount of calcium present in the muscles, which inevitably relaxes the muscles. This, in turn, resulted in lower blood pressure and increased blood flow.
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