Skin cancer, melanoma can cause serious death if not treated. The study shows that best way to avoid cancer is thru early detection.

Recently, one person dies of melanoma, Science Daily reported that it is the deadliest form of cancer on the skin. Everyone is at risk of the disease, so it is best to detect the condition as early as possible on its treatable phase.

One of the major signs of melanoma is thru a mole that can be observed in a condition of fast changing size, color, and shape. At this early phase, wherein individuals perform regular skin self-exams and seeing new or suspicious spots, melanoma can be treated.

According to Dermascope, there are three main types of skin cancer which can be subdivided into melanoma and non-melanoma. The melanoma is the dangerous form of the skin cancer which is highly treatable at its early stage. While, the non-melanoma is consisting of squamous and basal cell carcinoma, which are both slow growing and treatable at the early stage.

It's the harmful ultraviolet rays exposure which is the main cause of the melanoma cancer that might become fatal if not detected and treated early. Aside from the UV rays, there are a few cases of melanoma skin cancer that came from hereditary melanoma risk.

To note, there are approximately 70,000 Americans diagnosed with melanoma, and each year, one of these patients dies of cancer every hour. Because of this, the American Academy of Dermatologists advises everyone to stay out of indoor tanning beds and protect their skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Also, the AAD suggests the use of protective clothing, seeking shade, and water-resistant sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Doctor Tsao mentioned, "While the risk of developing melanoma totally depends on an individual, protection from the harmful UV rays is fitted for everyone." The AAD is expecting a decrease of melanoma patients after finding out that people are now very conscious of small skin changes.