Gerry Roberts
Internet Sensation April the Giraffe Euthanized After Worsening Bout with Advanced Arthritis
Wireless Brain Computer Allows Paralyzed People to Type on PCs with Their Minds, Wherever They Are

Gene Therapy Gives Vision to Visually Impaired Patients Since Childhood, Study Reveals

SpaceX Crew Dragon First-Ever ISS Port Relocation Planned, Four Astronauts to Free Up Space for Commercial Use

Amazon Rainforest Origin: Did the Asteroid That Caused Dinosaur Extinction Started It?

Travel Restrictions Relaxed For COVID-19 Vaccinated Persons
April Fools’ Day 2021: AI Program Tasked to Generate Funny, Uproarious Gags
Uranus First-Ever X-Ray Emission Detected, Scientists Studying Its Origin

Scientists Discover Technology That Could Detect Human DNA From the Air
Drinking Wine Leads to Lesser Risk of Cataract Surgery, British Study Says
Hotter Mantle Caused Enormous “Water World” in Ancient Earth
SpaceX’s All-Civilian Inspiration 4 Crew Prepares for September Lift-Off
Climate Change Causes Cherry Blossoms To Peak Earliest in 1,200 Years
Initial WHO-China Report Offers Nothing Substantial on COVID-19 Origins, May Take Years to Complete
Mummified Parrots and Mucaws With Beaks Open, Tongues Out Puzzles Anthropologists

Previously Unidentified Galaxy Clusters Discovered Passing Thru Sea of Hot Gas
Hubble Shows Breathtaking Images of Veil Nebula Using New Processing Techniques
Bird Flu Outbreak: Authorities to Place 1-km Restriction Zone in Cheshire, England
NASA’s Psyche Mission Achieves Key Milestone With Arrival of Key Component
Golden Retriever Mom Helps Save Puppy Pinned Underneath Boulder for 20 hours
Indian Businessman Buys Land on the Moon as a Gift for Infant Son
NASA Offers Award for Ideas on Nutritious, Delicious Space Food System for Interplanetary Travel
Researchers Discover Secret Behind Whiteflies’ Invincibility: A Stolen Plant Gene
Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna Vaccines Provide Increased Immunity for New Mothers and Their Babies
Men Taking PDE-5 Inhibitors to Treat Erectile Dysfunction Have Lower Risk of Heart Disease
Moon Bears Rescued from Horrific Bear Bile Farming Trade Will Receive the Best Care
US Microbiologists See Limited SARS-CoV-2 Mutations, Need Funds to Stop New Infections
Massive 600kg Dromornis Extinct Bird Had Large Skull, With Very Little Space for a Brain
Novel Thermometer Leads to Quantum Leap in Future Computing, Thermodynamics
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

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