
Face Pareidolia: The Psychology of Seeing Faces in Inanimate Objects

Why are the brains of people wired to see faces in inanimate objects? From the Virgin Mary's face on the toast to the smiling face of a car, the brain is primed to see faces in everyday objects and science has an explanation about this psychological phenomenon.
5 Reasons Why Adults Should Learn a Second Language

It's Never Too Late to Learn Another Language

Learning a foreign language has various cognitive benefits. However, it's never too late for adults to share in the benefits of learning a second language, especially with modern technology making it easier.
glaucoma astrocytes brain cell neurons

Astrocytes Found Responsible for Nerve Cell Death in Glaucoma

A new study reveals that astrocytes, the star-shaped glial cells in the CNS, play an essential role in the death of nerve cells in degenerative diseases. The researchers did trials on mice to study the effects of the cell in preventing nerve damage.
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