(Photo : appliedchaosdynamicscontrolassociation.net)
In 2020, increased automation will signal the age of the robot and robotic trends to come.

The iron slave aka "robot" is now part of everyone's life as the age of the robot comes. Finally, the word slave applies to the Czech word "robot", which refers to the metallic helpers are no longer far-fetched as a concept to assist everyone. Many robotic trends will change everything as it is. 

As industrialization and disruptive technologies become a potent theme in everyone's world these days, the application of robotics also expands and improves, pushing forward the possibilities of replacing the human knot in the chain. Here are snippets of what to expect as they become an indispensable part of everyone's daily activities.

1. Companies specializing in using robots will work together.

The best strategy for robot companies for success is to combine what their robot does best. Instead of engineering a do-all robot, these tech firms partner up to accomplish an assembly line task. For example, one robot will pick up something, another robot might go sorting to choose the right item. By working together on a task, these companies help solve a problem with automation.

 2. Robotics startups will be absorbed in larger companies.

Firms that do not want to develop their own robotic, will buy out and integrate robotics startup that has something to do with their larger business schemes. Robots will be cheaper or will make automation a better alternative to relying on workers for certain tasks, too. Big companies, with bigger resources, will benefit from more robotic automation as well.

3. Cobots and Industrial Robots will cease to be different.

The line between cobots that interact with humans and industrial robots that work autonomously will blur into each other. As the technology for interactivity and autonomy creates a robot that does both, whatever the type that will depend on what a business needs.

4. Commercial delivery with flying robotic drones.

A disruptive technology like robotic drones offers promise are airborne delivery, without the delivery boy. Remotely piloting a commercial drone will make deliveries much faster too. 

5. Robots will be featured in the 2020 Olympics in Japan.

Japan is planning full deployment of robots, from self-driving cars and other applications. This move to make them part of the 2020 Olympics will finally showcase what life will be like. Most are startup technologies, but this application for robot use will be the first of its kind.

6. Robotic cars will be used in controlled areas, not anywhere else.

Robot cars like Waymo or Uber will be zoned in areas with increased connectivity. One catch is they are only able to operate in those areas with better sensors or 5G deployed - an operation area which limits their area of mobility and operation.

7. They are used in warehouse management of inventory items.

Companies will start using robots to manage warehouses 24/7, everything will be automated and all inventory will be managed better. Plus, robots do not need any sick leaves which is indispensable for a human worker. Robots come with cheaper labor, as well.

8. Using robots with arms is in the early stages, not reliable yet.

Automatons with wheels and robotic arms are still in the testing stage, but in 2020 there is speculation it will be starting for commercial application. These robots might be customized for some tasks, but they are not ready for full use until more innovations.

Related Article: Robotics Trends to Watch in 2020: Our 8 Big Predictions