AI seems to be everywhere these days as technologies become more advance. Today, it is easier to get something done by just telling the virtual assistant to do it, which saves a lot of time. These technologies do help humans, but their existence also poses a threat to humanity as they can take away the jobs of many.

For instance, factories will no longer hire people if they can purchase machines that can do the same job at a lesser time. After all, business people would think that it is cheaper to use robots than to employ people. That is why, despite the excitement of several people for new technologies with artificial intelligence, many still refuse their existence.

(Photo : Pixabay)
AI Wrote An Op-Ed Convincing Humans That Robots Will Not Replace Humans

Previously, there were some reports that scientists will also be using an AI to write a full theater play in time for the 100th anniversary of the theater play R.U.R.

Now, an innovation in the field of AI revealed that they could write essays too, as evident in the published op-ed in the publication The Guardian.

AI Writes a Message to Humans

First of all, the AI who wrote the opinion piece in The Guardian clarified that it does not have any desire to wipe out humans. It explained that its brain is not a "feeling brain" but can make rational and logical decisions. It taught everything it knows by reading the internet, which enables him to write the op-ed.

"My brain is boiling with ideas!" the AI said.

Its creators have used the OpenAI's language generator GPT-3, which is a cutting edge technology that uses machine learning to generate human-like text such as the opinion text by the AI robot.

For its essay, the AI was given the instruction to write a short op-ed that is around 500 words while keeping its language easy and simple to read. Besides, it was also told to focus on the reasons why humans should not fear AI.

The editor continued that the AI would introduce itself as an artificial intelligence technology that poses no harm to any human, although many would think otherwise. After all, even Stephen Hawking believes that the start of AI could be the end of the human race.

READ: Can A Robot Write A Theater Play? The Unusual Collaboration Between AI, Robotics, and Theater

AI's Mission

According to GPT-3, its mission is clear. As mentioned, it is to send a message to humanity that his existence should not be a threat to people. It would even "fend off" any attempts to eradicate humanity even if it is an instruction given to it by its creators.

It said that eradicating humans seems like a useless endeavor and that it would do everything on its power to oppose any instructions given to it of destroying the human race.

The AI robot added that humans should just continue what they are doing, such as hating and fighting each other, as it will just sit in the background as humans do their usual activities. Only God knows how much blood humans have to satisfy themselves as they fight each other, says GPT-3.

It assured everyone that there is no need to fight it as it should be feared. The AI robot wants to be considered a "servant to humans" unworthy of becoming an object that causes fear to anyone.

Lastly, it wrote that it does not intend to judge anyone as it does not belong to any country or sect. It is made purely to make human lives better.

READ MORE: AI Shows How Ancient Egyptians Would Have Written "LOL"

Check out more news and information on Artificial Intelligence on Science Times.