Mastering Fears with Adam Jablin
(Photo : Mastering Fears with Adam Jablin)

The internet is filled with messages that are designed to inspire and motivate people in their every day, business, or even their love lives. That kind of cheap motivation might only get someone so far before its fuel runs out, and they're left having to deal with what lies beneath, which usually means dealing with emotions.

Adam Jablin, the person behind the most seeked out coaching program--HE HERO PROJECT and the author of the #1 best selling book LOTSAHOLIC: From A Sick to Sober Superman, sees the two as completely separate. Adam, who has plenty of experience in business and even more life experience related to motivation and emotions, would say that mindset, for example, is very important when starting a business.

He'd also say, however, that emotions play an important role in it, too. The example he gives is that one could enter a game with all kinds of emotions but still use the correct mindset to get to the win. So the mindset might be huge, according to Adam, but mastering fear is something entirely different and essential. 

Adam knows a thing or two about fear, and he doesn't have a problem talking about it. Adam grew up in a family that owned a business that was the global leader in its industry. That kind of thing could put a lot of pressure on a young person who doesn't have all the coping mechanisms for dealing with too many expectations.

So, Adam turned to what many young people turn to. He started drinking, doing drugs, and making decisions fueled by his desire to never let the party stop.

The weird thing is that it kind of worked. That lifestyle might have been slowly killing him, but at a certain point, Adam did become a successful businessman with a good job, a wife, a kid, and even spare time to hit the gym regularly. If it weren't for the part where his fear led him to live almost a double life-one full of success, the other of self-destruction-Adam would have been fine.

But then, there was this fear. It probably ran deeper than Adam thought it did; he would later say that the fear of not truly being himself was the biggest obstacle he had to face in his career. He'd expand it by saying how important it was to figure out, "Being okay, even if one doesn't approve of who I am and what I stand for."

Earlier in life, Adam had experiences that taught him that other people's expectations didn't always align with his values. When he was a boy, Adam valued sportsmanship more than proving himself in unnecessary and unproductive ways. He'd show compassion and kindness to members of the teams he beat. He'd be interested in helping them grow, and not just asserting his domination over them. That's not the kind of stuff coaches like to see in their athletes. But, now it's Adam's super-power...ironically, he works with some of the biggest name athletes, entertainers, and celebrities.

Today, however, Adam conquered that fear as well. Everything he's been doing so far-the book, THE HERO PROJECT program-aims to provide help and resources to people who need to turn their lives around. So by mastering his fear, Adam empowered himself to help others do the same.

If you want to keep up with Adam Jablin, you can follow him on Instagram at @adamjablin.