A new Gen Z TikTok has gone viral urging women to stop using birth control pills because they allegedly leave them fat, ugly, and depressed. A medical expert shared her thoughts about the viral trend.
Getting of Brith Control Trend on TikTok
The hashtag #gettingoffbirthcontrol trends on TikTok with over seven million views. Many women shared the changes they experienced while taking birth control pills, and several urged others to ditch it and switch to "natural" contraception, which they claimed was safer.
One netizen shared a series of photos of her before and after taking birth control pills. According to her, her face was bloated while taking the pills, and it slimmed down after she stopped taking them.
Another user said getting off birth control was the best decision for her because after ditching it, she no longer experienced brittle and sensitive teeth, lost weight, and no more hair loss or brittle hair. Also, she's feeling more like herself every day and is no longer depressed or anxious. According to one video with 1.1 million views, natural family planning methods are 98% successful at preventing pregnancy.
Another user said hormonal contraception has never agreed with her body. She had reportedly used five to six different types of birth control throughout this time, and as a result, she gained a lot of weight, had cystic acne, and her mood and libido dropped.
Additionally, she included a hyperlink to the fertility app Natural Cycles with the following message: "Use code PCOS for 20% off your subscription (link in bio)." Natural Cycles is for adults only and does not offer STI protection.
Birth Pill TikTok Trend Is 'Worrying'
Medics find the viral TikTok trend worrying, according to Daily Mail. Fort Hem raised concerns because more and more women have turned to menstrual cycle tracking apps and temperature data to determine their fertility instead of using protection.
Dr. Janet Barter, chair and president of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health, said on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme that the trend has been worrying them for a while because social media influenced many patients about their perspectives on contraception.
She talked to ladies who are utterly afraid of using hormonal contraception daily. They are reportedly terrified and question whether they should stop using it because they have heard many stories about its negative effects and claims about it being unsafe.
Barter added that they are keen for more research about hormonal contraception. She added that pills are "extremely safe," and it has more research about their safety than other tablets one swallow.
Aside from its effectiveness, Barter said no matter what hormonal contraception method a woman chooses - patch, vaginal ring, hormonal IUD implant - their effectiveness also comes with side effects, including mood changes.
She suggested that women talk to healthcare professionals to work out their problems.
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