It seems the trends have begun to change. In an increasingly competitive work environment the pressure to perform in many white collar jobs has skyrocketed. To cope with the situation and perform even better, many white collar job workers have turned to the support of ADHD drugs to help them focus and increase their productivity.

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a disease that is usually associated with young children. However, the drugs used to treat the disorder, can have a profound effect on adults who don't even normally need them as well. They can be used to help focus the mind and boost work performance.

Several of these amphetamine based stimulants are currently being used by the white collar workforce and most prevalent in workers ranging in age from 25 to 45. Some of the most common drugs prescribed are Concerta, Adderall and Vyvanse.

According to doctors, this practice is a dangerous trend as regular use can cause addiction, hallucinations and even anxiety. Some users of the drug even pretend to suffer from ADHD in order to receive a prescription.

Use of these drugs is not limited to white collar workers, as college students have also been known to use these drugs in an effort to perform better and improve their grades. Dr. Wilson Compton, the deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse states that "Given the increase in rates of abuse in college students over the last decade, it is essential that we understand the outcomes as they leave college and assume adult roles."

The use of other legal stimulants is also common among college students and younger white collar workers. The legal stimulants can be distributed without a prescription and are usually categorized as vitamins regardless of their actual effects.

Most stimulants contain caffeine, herb extracts, amino acids, and other ingredients that have been shown to help in improving memory performance. However, if taken in combination with other prescription drugs can often be harmful and produce side effects. In most cases, these drugs can be easily purchased online and delivered right to your door in labeled bottles.

According to the reports, some people simply obtain the drugs, both prescription and other over the counter legal stimulants, to sell to other people for cash. Doctors, however, are concerned that the drug abuse could lead to irregular heartbeat as well as cause other health issues with long term use. These side effects could far outweigh any short term benefits that workers receive in their performance.