Environment and Climate

Scientists Want To Conserve Parasites, Here's Why and How

Scientists Want To Conserve Parasites, Here's Why and How

Parasites may have problems with public relations, but like other living organisms they also play a big role in the ecosystem. An international team of parasite ecologists wants to conserve parasites and lays out its plan on how to do it.
How to Deal With Your Moth Problems This Moth Season

How to Deal With Your Moth Problems This Moth Season

Moths lay their eggs in the dark corners of the wardrobe and when they hatch it will start to destroy the clothes inside it. Here are some facts about them and how you can win the battle against them.
Former Fashion Executive Killed In A Shark Attack In Maine

Former Fashion Executive Killed in a Shark Attack in Maine

Julie Dimperio Holowach, former fashion executive, is the first recorded human death by a shark attack in Maine. She was swimming with her daughter when the incident happened, and although she has died her daughter was able to escape without any physical injuries.

Protect the Ecosystem to Prevent Future Outbreaks

A recent analysis says that the cost preventing a pandemic in the next decade will just be about 2 percent of the economic damage by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Scientists urged everyone to save the ecosystem and act now to prevent new viral outbreaks.
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