Eric Hamilton

Setting up a WordPress Website is Easy for Beginners: Tech Entrepreneur Chris Hughes

Setting up a WordPress Website is Easy for Beginners: Tech Entrepreneur Chris Hughes

Medicine & Technology Website building is a crucial part of your online presence, especially if you want to interact with people via a medium that is entirely your own. Although building a website these days is reasonably easy since the tools are all readily available, but making it an appealing one is a whole other ballgame. Tech entrepreneur Chris Hughes, who runs mintWP, shares his thoughts on comfortably building a spectacular website for yourself using WordPress.
Make Your Brand Stand Out‎ With Influence Marketing

Make Your Brand Stand Out‎ With Influence Marketing

Influence marketing is more of a contemporary digital marketing strategy that has witnessed exponential growth over the last few years. Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms, is set to reach $10 billion in worth in influencer marketing by the end of 2020, according to Adweek.
NeuroMarketing - The Undercover Approach to Sales

NeuroMarketing - The Undercover Approach to Sales

Sales psychology is nothing new. There are some philosophers & scientists who will tell you that marketing & advertising is 20 million years old. When flowers emerged from the gloomy forests & grasslands that populated the Earth way before we did, they used their bright colours to advertise & promote themselves to bees and other insects that could help them to pollinate.
Why We Need to Keep Pushing Innovation in the Healthcare World

Why We Need to Keep Pushing Innovation in the Healthcare World

It can occasionally seem like we have discovered everything there is to know about certain areas of medicine. While some big mysteries still need to be tackled, we can confidently heal many maladies that once could have been life-threatening. Why do we still need to then keep pushing for new innovation?
The Scientific Rigor of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Studies

The Scientific Rigor of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Studies

Unlike most other branches of psychology, neuro-linguistic programming focuses on identifying strategies that are used by successful individuals. This makes NLP somewhat similar to the positive approach that was promoted by researchers like Abraham Maslow. Rather than looking at potential sources of social deviance, NLP practitioners do their best to help other people emphasize what tactics work best to achieve certain goals.
Dr. Ari Bernstein on His Vision to Revolutionize the Current Healthcare System

Dr. Ari Bernstein on His Vision to Revolutionize the Current Healthcare System

There is no doubt that our healthcare systems need significant change. As patients and providers work together to navigate this changing world, leaders are emerging and delivering on new processes and systems poised to revolutionize medicine as we know it. The medical industry and doctors are excited about what the future holds for medicine. Internal Medicine physician Dr. Ari Bernstein, MD, has a unique vision to change healthcare for the better, inspired by the power of digital technology.
How to Make Your Home and Property More Secure

How to Make Your Home and Property More Secure

If you're buying a new home or simply looking for ways to make your current home safer and more secure, there are a lot of things you can do. Many of the best ways to secure your home and your property aren't necessarily expensive or too time-consuming, and they can go a long way.
Do Receding Gums Grow Back?

Do Receding Gums Grow Back?

If you've ever been to the dentist and have been confronted with the flossing question-or have been nervous about the looks of your gums-you're not alone.
Unconventional Headphones for Exceptional Needs

Unconventional Headphones for Exceptional Needs

Headphones come in all shapes and sizes, and yet all of them have one single function to perform. With them, we isolate ourselves from the world to listen to what our heart cherishes most and mind takes pleasure in. They have always been an instrument of separation, a tool to privatize our public spaces.
Increase Your BITCOIN profits with these five tips

Increase Your BITCOIN profits with these five tips

So everybody loves to make big profits. Indeed, we need money to keep our lives going (or make it high if we can), and getting money isn't that easy. Most of us end up spending their whole lives going on a job and have nothing but bad experiences in the end. Going into the revolutionary mode is a flop idea to this date. What do you have to do to make a stable and healthy income to get your life going hassle-free? Well, bitcoin investment is the thing you're looking for. As it is an "investment" rather than a "magical charm," you need to apply specific knowledge to get lovely profits. Proceed to find out.
The Overlooked Secrets of BITCOIN investment

The Overlooked Secrets of BITCOIN investment

Life is short. Everyone agrees on this truth. You won't see people rallying against the fact that life is not short, and it is wrong to think so. We indeed have a short amount of time, unless someone brings up batteries into our brain to live for eternity. In this little amount of gifted time, we have to come up with ways of making legit money.
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