The Biden administration is opening its doors to a plan that could have side effects. As such, the plan would be to alter atmospheric chemical makeup to limit global warming through a process called SRM.

(Photo: Unsplash / Jonathan Borba)

White House Anti-Global Warming Plan

According to Mail Online, the White House, under US President Joe Biden's administration, is considering a plan to limit global warming. Although this plan might be optimistic in nature, scientists warn of side effects from altering atmospheric chemical makeup.

The plan is to block sunlight from reaching the Earth's surface, and despite the warning, the Biden administration says they are open to the idea. As such, it's important to note that the plan hasn't yet been approved and has only been considered as of press time.

The news came from an official White House report where officials proposed a plan to limit sunlight to cool the planet rapidly. The particular plan was to employ a process known as SRM, which stands for solar radiation modification.

The administration maintains that it hasn't decided on the "geoengineering" policy. Such statements were despite the report giving several paths to achieve SRM.

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SRM and Its Potential Consequences

Mail Online highlights how each path mentioned to achieving SRM had its own consequences. As such, these consequences were devastating in nature should the plan ultimately fail.

An example of one proposed method in the report involves using aerosols. It was suggested that by increasing the atmospheric aerosol count, this could potentially reflect the sun's rays.

Other ideas included reducing cirrus cloud formation to limit returning solar radiation. Mail Online iterates that each proposal comes with its own severe ramifications.

Some of these ramifications include affected weather patterns and food supplies. As such, this could greatly impact geopolitics, biodiversity, and overall health.

The administration maintains that they would need a program of research into the proposals to make "better-informed decisions" regarding SRMs. The decision would be based on the method's potential risks and benefits.

White House Says 'Program of Research' is Necessary

The White House also wants better to understand the foundational elements of greenhouse gas emissions. As such, this would be specifically for its mitigation and adaptation.

Mail Online reports how the White House pointed out how fast SRM could cool the planet, commenting on the significant difference it could make in just a few years. Despite acknowledging the need for a "program of research" to make a better-informed decision, it was clarified that there are still no plans underway.

This means the administration didn't have plans to establish comprehensive research into SRM. Politico reports that Shuchi Talati, the Alliance for Justice Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering executive director, says the report shows how the US government supports well-governed research.

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