10 Steps for Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

10 Steps for Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Medicine & Technology Preparing your paper for publication can be exhausting. Who said that it is fun? Someone who never had to do it, probably. Many of us need to deal with this due to the academic regulations - you cannot proceed with your thesis if you don't have a published paper or several papers in peer-reviewed journals or full-range scientific magazines.
 The Billion-Year Wait is Over! Say Hello to Instant Diamond Bling!

Diamond Bling Made Within Minutes

Scientists in Australia have found a way to make a diamond in just a few minutes within room temperatures inside a laboratory.
Are Social Dominance and Dominance Genetic?

Are Social Dominance and Status Genetic?

Aggressive behavior and dominance have often been linked to testosterone. In a new study, gene-editing reveals how genetic structures dictate social status.
Most High-Paying Science Jobs You Can Choose

Most High-Paying Science Jobs You Can Choose

You feel inspired by science, and envision your entire life connected to it. When you think of a future career, you know that it will have something to do with science. But passion is not the only thing that drives careers forward. Smart people choose lucrative careers. They will still love their jobs, but they will also make more than enough money to support a comfortable lifestyle.

Physicists Finally Achieved Room-Temperature Superconductivity

A team of New York-based physicists has achieved one of modern science's most sought after phenomena - a material that conducts electricity with virtually perfect efficiency in what is known as superconductivity - with new material, and at higher temperatures.
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