Isabella Beltran

2,000-year-Old Egyptian Pet Cemetery, Discovered

Since discovering the oldest known pet cemetery in 2011, archaeologists have unearthed almost 600 carefully laid individual graves, mostly for cats, some dogs, baboons, hippos, and falcons.
Bacteria illustrations

140,000 Virus in the Human Gut Catalogued for Future Analysis

A collaborative database of over 140,000 viruses and 28,000 metagenomes highlights the existence of virus species within the human gut microbiome that is set to help scientists further study the entanglement between the gut microbiome and human bodily processes.
Horses on a field

Horse Deworming Drug to Treat COVID-19 Worry Health Experts

Ivermectin has been used by some as a DIY COVID preventive measure worrying health experts. Poison Control centers have been flooded with calls of poisoning due to the veterinary dewormer whose popularity was triggered by a study health agencies claim lack evidence and safety data.

Scientists Continue Research for Roopkund Skeleton Lake

Roopkund Skeleton Lake has been a mystery to scientists ever since its first discovery in 1942. Despite advancements in DNA analysis, researchers can only theorize the cause behind the sudden deaths of thousands of people.
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