Hannah C.

Climate Change May be Responsible for the Increase of Shark Attacks in Australia

How Does Climate Change Affect Shark Attacks?

Researchers believe that the spike in fatal shark attacks is due to climate change affecting the ocean's temperatures. The 7th fatal attack this year is the highest spike in cases in the past 50 years.
Why Are Odors and Fragrances So Important?

The Power of the Sense of Smell

Why do we choose certain fragrances over another? Several experts look into how deeply connected our brains are with the sense of smell.
Ancient Footprints Tells a Story of A Parent and Child Making a Daring Journey

Archaeologists Discover the Longest Ancient Human Footprint Track

Studying ancient footprint tracks of animals and humans reveals the similarities and differences between modern species and their ancestors. A recent discovery of human footprints reveals a story of an adult carrying a toddler through muddy terrain despite predators.
The NOAA and NASA Explain How Climate Change is Causing Drought and Colder Winters

How Does Global Warming Affect Drought Seasons?

Climate change has been responsible for water-related events such as tropical storms, heaving rains, snowfall, flooding, and even drought. The NOAA recently announced their forecast for America's winter: colder temperatures in the north and a drier season in the south.
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